Growing Better Connections
Feel Good, Feel fit, Feel useful, Feel connected!
A Project running from March 2020-March 2023 in North-East Pembrokeshire from the uplands to the sea, offering opportunities for people and nature to thrive.
When GBC came to an end, two projects were born out of it. The CLEAN rivers project and Feeding Our Community. Both of these projects are active today, follow the links to learn more!

The Project
GBC was all about regenerating our landscape together, with practical solutions that value heritage and recognise what we need now and tomorrow. Working with nature to protect and enhance habitats; working with land managers to support their farms and enterprises.



Plant hedges, woodlands and orchards.
Habitats - bigger, better, more joined up: hedgerow and meadow management.
Benefit nature, business and community: implementing natural solutions.
Offer training and skills sharing to increase resilience and opportunity.
Observe and understand nature, citizen science and species recording.
Heritage and place with exhibitions, events and craft activities.